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You Need More Than a Lawyer
During a High-Conflict Divorce

As a dedicated divorce coach, I offer comprehensive support and guidance through the difficult stages of high-conflict divorces. I understand the unique challenges you face and am dedicated to helping you go through this life-changing transition:

  • achieve mental clarity,
  • reduce anxiety,
  • receive emotional support,
  • develop divorce strategy,
  • manage expectations about the possible legal outcomes and factors that may influence the proceedings,
  • connect with additional resources and support services,
  • focus on the future and opportunitles for growth post-divorce.
free 30-minute consultation
Image Group man at top of mountain and Attorney Ksenia Muench
About Ksenia Muench

I’ve been exactly where you are. I was a high powered professional, married with two kids, living what I thought was my dream life. Then I ended up in the middle of a high conflict divorce. It was all consuming. It was devastating. It was overwhelming. I had a great lawyer and I had girlfriends, but what was missing was someone to hold my hand through the whole process who had been there before and could help me navigate each step with power and clarity. Now that I’m on the other side and thriving, I’ve created this business so I can help make your divorce as simple as possible and most of all, leave you empowered to create your best life afterwards.

Book A Call With Me
Ksenia Muench
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As seen in VoyageLA

Powerful Ladies Podcast

The Cornerstones
of Our Approach


Gaining emotional and mental clarity to ensure you make the best decision for you and your family.


Getting guidance on how to navigate this complicated and overwhelming landscape of a high-conflict divorce.


Helping you find yourself and your power so you can thrive again.

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